Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So what do you think? Is now still a good time to buy real estate?

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Recent SD Real Estate Slump Over For Now

Median Sales Price For Homes Jumps 7.2 Percent From February

POSTED: 10:54 am PDT April 11, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- A two-month slump in residential real estate sales in San Diego County came to an end in March, but the numbers remain down compared to last year

Sales of single-family homes and condominiums climbed 36 percent last month compared to February, a report from the San Diego Association of Realtors shows.

The median sales price of a house in March was $385,000, a jump of 7.2 percent from February, according to the SDAR figures. The average condo cost $210,000, a 3.4 percent hike.

"The March sales numbers are just what we hoped for and expected heading into spring," said Bob Kevane, the president of the association.

But the increases were not enough to offset the effect of the slump when comparing the statistics to 2010.

In the first three months of this year, sales of houses were down 4 percent compared to the first quarter of last year, and there was a 9.5 percent drop in purchases of condos.

The median sales price of a single-family home in the January-March period this year was $370,000 -- down from $375,000 in the same time in 2010.

For condos, the first quarter median sales price in 2011 was $205,000, compared to $215,000 in the first three months last year.

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